What can you tell us about Whirlpool Corporation’s commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2030?
Whirlpool Corporation made a global commitment to reach net zero emissions in its plants and operations by 2030, building on 60 percent reduction in emissions across all scopes since 2005. This commitment will cover more than 30 of our manufacturing sites and distribution centers around the world, spanning all of our direct, power-related emissions.
What can the hospitality industry expect to see from Whirlpool Corporation?
Because sustainability matters to the hospitality sector, Whirlpool Corporation is working on energy-efficient appliances to help hotels decrease their energy consumption. The company is investing in innovations that further reduce the environmental impact and save the hospitality segment time and money.
Are there any new green initiatives in the work?
Whirlpool is working toward reducing waste material by increasing the amount of recycled materials used in products and keeping industrial waste out of landfills by reusing, recycling and recovering them. The company is also cooperating with customers, providing them with the option of recycling packages.