Two new leaders join Gates Hospitality

Two new leaders join Gates Hospitality

Gates Hospitality announced two additions to their senior management team with the appointment of James Dawkins, director of operations across all Gates Hospitality venues and Darryl Downs who will take on the role of general manager at folly by Nick & Scott.

“We’ve added two exceptionally strong players to the Gates Hospitality team with James and Darryl – both are experts in their field and I’m really proud to have them on board as we start 2020,” said Naim Maadad, chief executive officer, Gates Hospitality. 

With 27 years of experience, Dawkins will lead the development of the management team, their growth, and succession. He will set and deliver goals to ensure promotion and company growth, and will ensure drive on top line sales, and full conversion to bottom line profit. He will also oversee daily activity of the venues, from people development, marketing/promotions, supply chain, operational issues. 

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On the other hand, Downs brings 25 years’ experience to his new role. He will oversee front of house operational management and success of folly by Nick & Scott and The Rooftop at folly. He will also maintain operational standards and success by implementing policies and standard operating procedures along with ongoing training that ensure productivity and the highest standard of quality service. In addition, he will drive customer growth and retention as well as outlet brand recognition by establishing and executing influential marketing, PR and advertising campaigns in line with market trends, demands and the differing clientele per season. Also, he is tasked with inventory and financial budget management for both outlets, providing effective cost control is in place.


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