The Sandwich Business Structure

The Sandwich Business Structure

Everyone loves a good sandwich, from the mix of ingredients and sauces to the outer layers. When well made, a sandwich is both filling and fulfilling. However, have you also considered how a restaurant operation could resemble a sandwich in structure? Manal Syriani, senior consultant at N4TC, whets our appetite with more

Let’s look at the definition of a business model

What is it?
At its core, a business model is a description of how your business makes money, while creating and maintaining a brand image: a legacy. The wrapping is the restaurant’s concept, which is reflected in the vision, mission and core value, while the sauce is the distinguishing features of the concept, otherwise known as the unique selling points. The ingredients, meanwhile, represent the layers of management, processes and standards of operations or implementation strategies.

Where you go wrong
When the business becomes stuck in the details of the day-to-day operation, sometimes management starts stacking up layers randomly. This is often true when businesses focus on the benefits of individual processes, without acknowledging the overall effect on the company’s vision. As a result, you will have layers upon layers of mixed flavors wrapped with good intentions, while the distinguishing features are no longer tangible. It is true that with a good quality of wrapping – strong vision and mission – the internal operations could still hold; however the outcome – represented in the customer experience – will be affected.

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1. What works for others might not work for you
Adoption of new policies, procedures and products should be a natural result of the business growth and vision. While certain processes might prove successful for other concepts, they should be revisited to fit the unique features of the restaurant before they are incorporated.

2. Sometimes it’s best to say no
When the gap analysis and internal feedback from operation suggests that certain layers should be removed or rejected, higher management should listen

3. Keep a cleaning schedule
While your vision will never change, your mission and core values will need refining from to time to time to adapt to market needs. On another note, the standards of operations will also need constant updating. Planning for those needs in advance and incorporating them in the management policies will limit the temptation to add layers at random times.

4. Interact with your employees
Employees are the first line of contact with your customers and will provide you with timely and accurate data. Keep a schedule of meetings with them and fine-tune your strategies based on their input.

Manal Syriani
Senior Consultant at N4TC
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