With unemployment in Lebanon at an all-time high, we explore how LEBridge, an initiative founded by Lebanese entrepreneur Tarek Eid, is helping people find jobs.
What can you tell us about LEBridge?
LEBridge is a Lebanese non-profit. We are a team of 20 volunteers, 10 of whom are HR professionals. Our goal is to make sure that candidates who reach out to us have the right tools and support to find employment. We are now testing our service on 400 candidates. Our HR officers match job seekers with vacant positions and help candidates with their applications. We also send CVs to companies on request. Once our website is fully functional, we will open our job platform, allowing candidates to browse vacancies and apply for positions. Employers will also be able to post jobs on the site. To date, six of our applicants are at late interview stages with various companies, and around 40 percent of our candidates have already applied to jobs and received personal advice from our counselors.
How did you come up with the idea of LEBridge?
As an expatriate, it has been difficult to witness from afar the dire situation Lebanon finds itself in. Seeing the unemployment rate skyrocketing — while noticing job vacancies abound on social media — I realized that the best way to help people was to offer career support and guidance. I then called a few friends, and we opened up an Instagram account and started our pilot service on 400 candidates.
Do you have other initiatives in the works?
In the near future, we hope to establish stronger ties with employers. For the moment, our main focus is job creation. Our target is to get as many people employed as possible and make the hiring process easier for employers. It’s all about bridging the gap between the two main components of strategic recruiting: turning quantity into quality and creating jobs for the Lebanese people. None of this would be possible without our wonderful team of volunteers.