HORECA 2019 Hospitality Vision in Lebanon panel
Established in 1993, Hospitality Services, Lebanon’s leading event management and publishing company opened its doors to welcome exhibitors and visitors to the 26th iteration of HORECA, the country’s biggest hospitality and food service business annual gathering. The first of six discussion panels on HORECA opening day was titled, Hospitality Vision...
The new syndicate of RCNP Lebanon
Tony Ramy was re-elected as the President of the Lebanese Syndicate Owners of Restaurants, Cafes, Night-clubs and Pastries by unanimous vote. Khaled Nazha continues to serve as Vice President, Maya Bekhazi Noun as General Secretary and Aref Saade as Treasurer.
Honoring Maroush Group’s Founder
The President of the Lebanese Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafes, Night-Clubs and Pastries, Tony Ramy granted an honorary shield to Maarouf Abouzaki, the owner of Maroush London restaurant group, for being an Ambassador of Lebanese cuisine, given the huge success of Maroush abroad. The event took place during a...
Reclaiming The Golden Era
As Lebanon’s hospitality sector moves to recapture the golden period of 2009 – 2011, Tony Ramy, restaurateur and president of the Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Cafés, Night-Clubs & Pastries, tracks the changes he’s witnessed in the industry over the years and shares where he sees potential for startups and growth