Rate parity or disparity? Recommendations…
Rate disparity might be acomplex issue, but it can cause a customer to lose trust in your company and, as a result,impact your bottom line, which means ignoring it isn’t an option.Serge Chamelian, managing partner of h-hotelier, showsus the way, by explaining thedifferent distribution channels from a practical perspective, and provides recommendations
Rate Parity or Disparity
Hotels’ pricing is complex and disparities in rates are extremely common. With the rise of newage channels, hotels are also having problems maintaining a clean, clear vision over their pricing strategy. Spirals in the inventory and rates distribution have made it even more important for hotels to take control of their distribution channels. Serge Chamelian, managing partner of h-hotelier, gives a no-nonsense explanation of the different distribution channels available to hotels.
GDPR And Its Impact On The Hotel Sector
Why did companies suddenly start taking an interest in our personal data and updating their terms and conditions? What’s really going on with data protection right now and how does this affect hotel operations? Serge Chamelian, managing partner of h-hotelier, answers these and many other questions