Nouhad Dammous was the first Lebanese person to graduate from an international hotel management institute, to hold the title of assistant professor in hotel management higher education, to occupy the position of director of a hospitality management school and institute in Lebanon and the Arab world, and the first hospitality professional in Lebanon to be awarded an Honoris Causa.
Here are just some of his lifetime achievements:
Professional life
1957-1995 Held the position of director at the Hospitality Management School and Institute of Dekweneh
1957-2004 Designed and prepared the descriptions of the following Hospitality degrees: BP, BT, BTS, TS, LT
1960 Founded the Association International des Directeurs des Ecoles Hôtelières and became a member of SKAL
and LMA
1960-1995 Served as a member of the administration board of the internal fund of the G.D.V.T.E
1961 Founded ADFTH
1967-1971 Appointed president of the UNTDC – G. D. V. T. E project
1973-1980 Advised the Arab Union for Tourism
1976-1980 Appointed president and director-general of the joint project for the following tourism resorts: Resthouse Tyr, Saida, Jeita, Tripoli and Arida
1978 Authored hospitality education text, which was later issued by virtue of decree number 1836
1982 Appointed advisor to the Lebanese Ministry of Tourism by H.E. René Moawad
1995 Founded Hospitality Services s.a.r.l
2002 Became a representative of L’Académie Nationale de Cuisine, France in Lebanon and the Arab countries
2003-2011 Hosted the Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony which celebrates distinguished figures for their work in the hospitality field in Lebanon and the Arab world
1954 Diploma in Hospitality Management from Lewis Hotel Training School, Washington DC
1957 Diploma in Hospitality Management from Heidelberg – Germany
1996 Appointed editor-in-chief of Hospitality News Middle East
2011 Appointed editor-in-chief of Taste & Flavors and Lebanon Traveler
Food and Beverages Control
Lebanese and Arab Cuisine
Effective Human Relations in Hotels
Mahatet Men Hayete
2000 C&E American University Institute, Doctor Honoris Causa
2001 Academie Nationale De Cuisine
2002 AMFORHT Award (Association Mondiale pour la Formation Hôtelière et Touristique)
2010 Golden Helmshen of Tourism Award
2011 IRHA Award Winner – International Restaurant and Hotel Awards
2011 Sagesse University recognition for his achievements and contribution to the hospitality industry
2013 Order of the Cedar, presented by the President of the Republic of Lebanon
2018 Lifetime contribution award from Disciple Esco²er Lebanon
2018 Vresso award for contribution to hospitality and tourism
2018 Honorary shield from Minister of Tourism Avedis Guidanian
2018 Lifetime achievement award from the RNCP Syndicate
2018 Perennial like the cedar of Lebanon award – AUT
2019 Contribution award from The Lebanese American University (LAU) Adnan Kassar School of Business (AKSOB) and the AKSOB Hospitality and Tourism Management Department