Ksara’s Zafer Chaoui honors Louis Lahoud

Ksara’s Zafer Chaoui honors Louis Lahoud

Editors choice

The President of the board of directors of Chateau Ksara, Consul Zafer Chaoui, honored the Director General of the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture, Louis Lahoud, in appreciation of his efforts in developing the Lebanese wine sector during a dinner at the Chateau Ksara gardens.

Chaoui said: “We are proud to honor this man for his integrity and fairness, and for everything he has done and is still doing for a sector that, thanks to his continuous sponsorship, was able to overpass difficulties.”

Lahoud thanked Chaoui and Ksara, and concluded: “The Ministry of Agriculture continues to support the wine sector in Lebanon by organizing activities inside the country as well as Lebanese wine days abroad to increase the production of the local wine,” accentuating the fact that numerous Lebanese wine producers were able to penetrate international markets thanks to their products quality and high standards.

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