HostMilano is coming in October 2019

HostMilano is coming in October 2019

Preparations have already been underway for some time for HostMilano, the leading professional hospitality event organised by Fiera Milano. And now they are getting into top gear, ready to launch this 41th edition of the event, offering even more business opportunities, at fieramilano October 18 through 22, 2019.

975 companies have already confirmed their participation, 46 percent of which come from more than 40 foreign countries; the best represented countries include Germany (16 percent of all international exhibitors), Spain (14 percent), France (nine percent), the US (8.2 percent) and the UK (six percent). In terms of macro-areas, Professional Catering – Bread, Pizza and Pasta accounts for 48 percent of all exhibitors, while Bar, Coffee Machines, Vending Machines – Ice Cream, Pastry Shops – Coffee and Tea represents 23 percent and Tableware, Furnishings & Technology accounts for the remaining 18 percent.

In parallel, scouting continues under a partnership with ITA Agency, bringing more than 1,500 buyers from 80 different countries to Host 2019. With a high turnover rate of 80 percent, the focus is on particularly interesting markets such as the US, Canada, the Middle East, the UAE, China and Russia.

Fiera Milano will also be participating in a series of workshops, events and trade fairs to present the event and keep an eye on the markets that appear to be the most consolidated or promising for HostMilano. Significant stops on the promotional tour include, in addition to a number of Italian cities, Mexico City, Dubai, Lima, Munich, Moscow, and the US cities of Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas and Orlando.

Three macro-areas will represent key sectors of the economy:  On the whole, there will be more opportunities for the three related sectors to complement and cross-influence each other. thanks to the concept of organisation by macro-areas, one of the event’s major strong points, which is being constantly refined to reflect as many dynamic sectors of the Italian and international economy.

According to data from the Ulisse system processed by Host Observatory, world trade in Professional Catering Machinery, Equipment and Accessories was worth 52.8 billion euro in 2017, with an average annual growth rate of 6.1 percent over the 2009-2017 period. An additional 3.8 percent annual increase is expected between now and 2021. With more than 3.54 billion euro by value and a market share of 6.7 percent of world exports, Italy is the third-biggest exporter in the industry, after China (€19.08 billion, 36 percent) and Germany (€4.22 billion, 8 percent), but ahead of the US (€2.76 billion, 5.2 percent) and France (€1.67 billion, 3.2 percent). The biggest importers are the US (€9.08 billion, 17.2 percent), Germany (€3.93 billion, 7.4 percent) and France (€2.26, 4.3 percent), while the principal destinations for Italian products are France (€457 million), Germany (€395 million) and the United Kingdom (€183 million).

In Ice Cream-Pastries, a market worth a world-wide total of about 2.4 billion euro, Italy leads the pack in exports, with a value of 664 million euro and a 27.8 percent market share, followed at a distance by Germany (203 million, 8.5 percent) and the Netherlands (200 million, 8.4 percent). The annual growth rate in the segment between now and 2020 is expected to be +3.2 percent.

World trade in the Coffee – Coffee Machines – Vending Machines cluster totals 17.3 billion euro. The average annual growth rate between 2009 and 2017 was +9.1 percent, and growth is expected to continue at a rate of 4.9 percent until 2021. Global exports are dominated by three countries with similar values and market shares: Germany (€2.74 billion, 15.8 percent) is just ahead of Italy (€2.63 billion, 15.2 percent), followed by Switzerland (€2.56 billion, 14.8 percent).

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In detail, world trade in the Vending sector is worth 870.6 million euro and is expected to growth 2.1 percent between now and 2021. Italy is well ahead of the pack in this sector, with exports worth 292.5 million euro and a market share of about 33.6 percent.

Lastly, the world trade in the Home Furnishings-Tableware sector was worth 165.8 billion euro in 2017 and grew at an annual rate of 5.3 percent in the years from 2009 to 2017. It will continue to grow between 2018 and 2021 and mark a rate of +3.5 percent per year. Italy is the world’s fourth-largest exporter, with a value of 6.9 billion euro and a market share of 4.2 percent, confirming its vocation to target the high end of the market rather than mass production.

The most recent figures from ANIMA, the mechanical industry employers’ association that includes Assofoodtec, the cluster for manufacturers of machinery and equipment for food and hospitality, confirm the positive trend in the year 2018. Production (+2.7 percent), exports (+2.9 percent) and investment (+8.2 percent) are all growing. The production value is expected to reach 48.74 billion euro this year, while exports will be worth 29.65 billion. The USA is the top export market, growing another 6.7 percent in 2017. Italy’s exports to North America are worth 3.18 billion euro. China is growing at double-digit rates and was up 19.6 percent last year to pass the one-billion-euro milestone, while Russia is also on the upswing, with a dramatic growth rate of +24.8 percent in 2017, up to 895 million euro. Investment was particularly strong in the area of food technologies in 2018, growing at rate of more than 7 percent in the year.

Events will be featured on the menu at the upcoming edition of HostMilano, with a packed programme of at least 500 workshops, presentations of figures and studies, tastings, educational initiatives and thrilling contests; the fair becomes a multisensorial experience thanks to presentations at corporate stands and cooking shows by award-winning chefs, the amazing creations of pastry chefs and cake designers and performances by top baristas and bartenders.

The focus will be on a partnership with for the identification and promotion of innovation in products, services and formats; SMART Label will be back under a partnership with ADI – Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, revealing and confirming the trade’s ability to continue renewing its range: 497 candidacies collected over the past three editions, 156 companies awarded the SMART Label, more than 20 special recognitions with the Innovation SMART Label, and the same number of products marking significant milestones in the sectors represented.

The selection process has begun for the finalists who will participate in the 2019 edition of the FIPGC Cake Designers World Championships and the FIPGC World Trophy of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate organised by the International Federation of Pastry, Ice Cream and Chocolate. These championships, held every two years, will for the third time be held during HostMilano, on October 19 and 20 2019 and October 21 and 22, 2019, respectively. This year’s fascinating theme for both championships is Art and Tradition of your Nation: a celebration of different flavours and colours in which each national team brings different flavours and ingredients to the competition, reinterpreting their local traditions in a modern way. Dozens of other events are being planned, and details will be announced in the months to come.

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