Five-star Maximus Hotel is welcoming guests in Byblos, Lebanon

Five-star Maximus Hotel is welcoming guests in Byblos, Lebanon

Maximus Hotel, a five-star hotel located in Blat, Byblos area, is welcoming guests. The project is owned by Joseph Abi Ghosn, a Lebanese entrepreneur, passionate about his hometown, Byblos.  

Maximus Hotel consists of 38 suites and rooms. It also has a rooftop restaurant called ‘Le Gastronome’, where guests can have their breakfast, lunch or dinner. The hotel has also a terrace as well as a lounge that serve fast food and daily plates, along with a cigar lounge and a fitness center and spa.

For business needs, Maximus Hotel brings two conference rooms in addition to a business center.  where all business facilities are all within our guests reach.

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