Food Hall Explosion: An Alternative To All-Day Dining?
Encompassing a refined dining experience in a market setting, the food hall concept brings together a range of several independent outlets, each offering their own specialty, yet forming one entity. Ralph Nader, CEO of Amber Consulting, discusses the fancier and ‘foodier’ cousin of the food court
Armenian Food: The Gastronomic Delights of a Diaspora
From Mayrig to Mamig and from Lusin to Batchig to Nour, a wave of the finest restaurants in the Middle East, serving Armenian delicacies, is taking the region by storm and gathering a cult-like following.
The Shogun Expands Its Reach
Aref Saade, founder of The Shogun concept and treasurer of The Syndicate of Owners of Restaurants, Café, Night-Clubs and Pastries, revealed that his premium sushi restaurants are now offering take-out and delivery services under the name of “Shogun To Go”.
What’s On A F&B Investor’s Checklist?
With new market dynamics and the growing influence of millennials, F&B investors are after smarter investment choices. Abdul Kader Saadi, managing director of Glee Hospitality Solutions, offers his insight into the key F&B investment trends and current talking points in evidence across the MENA region
Dubai Holding and Emaar launched Dubai Square, a mega retail and hospitality destination
Dubai Square will equate to more than 100 soccer fields, 750,000 square meters of retail space and hospitality venues, and will also have the largest Chinatown in the Middle East.