Exploring milk trends with experts
Long an essential addition to hot and cold drinks and recipes, milk continues to retain a premium spot in kitchen fridges worldwide, alongside the many, increasingly popular plant-based varieties now available. Four industry experts share their thoughts on all things milk-related and more, from new nut-based options and flavorful pairings to achieving that all-important froth.
Pastry shop design trends in 2024
When planning a pastry shop within a hotel property, there are several points to consider says Dominick Casale, AIA, principal at Brooklyn, NY–based IMC Architecture. Here, he conveys the importance of functional space to ensure profitability.
World Chocolate Day buzz from industry experts
On World’s Chocolate Day, four industry leaders tell HN what’s creating a buzz on the scene of our favorite sweet treat.
12 steps to building a world-class coffee brand
While the coffee industry is undoubtedly booming, competition remains fierce, with customers spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing their brew. Against this backdrop, Christian Salloum, managing director of BrandPortunity F&B Consulting, shares an essential step-by-step checklist for business leaders looking to create a top-notch coffee brand.
Adaptive reuse: an architectural game-changer
Repurposed restaurants and hotels are amassing a growing fanbase, checking the sustainability and authenticity boxes that are priorities for so many of today’s visitors. Norman Cescut, founder and CEO of Desita, explains why a taste of the past, served with a side of innovation in a restored space, is proving to be a recipe for success.
New technologies: today’s essential tools for hoteliers
Emerging technologies are revolutionizing the lodging industry, delivering significant benefits to both operators and guests. Michael Donald, co-founder of Halo Business Consulting, explains why embracing innovation and implementing smart ideas are musts for hotels looking to secure a successful future.
Coffee Talks: What’s brewing in the UAE’s coffee scene?
Lebanon’s tourism landscape is an intriguing mix of triumphs, challenges and resilience. From the reflections of industry leaders to strategies for revival, we explore the dynamic forces shaping Lebanon’s tourism outlook in the face of adversity.