A more sustainable hospitality industry
The hospitality industry has successfully embraced innovation as a critical success factor, adapting to external challenges and driving efficiency while optimizing the guest experience. Wolfgang M. Neumann, chair of the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, discusses the role of innovation in creating a more sustainable sector.
The key to increasing customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is the result of genuine concern about a client’s well-being and the ability to go beyond simply identifying and meeting customers’ needs to acknowledging their aspirations and struggles. Manal Syriani lifts the lid on how to keep clients close to your brand.
How to be a leader rather than a boss in the business world
There’s a well-known saying that a boss says “Go,” whereas a leader says “Let’s go!” Mark Dickinson of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions lifts the lid on what real leadership is all about.
It’s a visual world in the tourism sector
Besides having more “sticking power” than text alone, visual communication is a universal tool with few language barriers, enabling seamless communication. Consultant Chirine Salha uncovers the different ways in which images and videos are being used by the tourism sector to entice would-be travelers.
Solution: How to recruit in the digital age in an agile way
The recruitment industry has been re-established without any doubt, with AR, VR and a plethora of AI-based technologies being used.
Risk Management: To Plan Or Not To Plan?
Mark Dickinson, founder of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions, explains why purposeful planning is a must.
The importance of service personalization
Every front line team member knows what would make work go better and how to deliver better results. Listening to their ideas is key.
Increasing efficiency by going paperless
Mark Dickinson of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions explores the importance of a paperless work environment.