How to be a leader rather than a boss in the business world
There’s a well-known saying that a boss says “Go,” whereas a leader says “Let’s go!” Mark Dickinson of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions lifts the lid on what real leadership is all about.
Leadership from the bench
Gone are the days when human resources simply handled pay and appraisals. Mark Dickinson of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions identifies five common mistakes companies make when it comes to managing staff and how this important department can boost employee morale and diffuse tensions.
Five minutes with HR expert Carol Awad
With an aim to foster productive and healthy workplace environments, Lebanese entrepreneur and strategic human resources expert Carol Awad has launched We learn more about the website and how it can help businesses.
Nine in 10 young Saudis look towards hospitality careers
The appeal to young Saudis of a career in tourism or hospitality is driven by the perceptions of the lifestyle it will provide.
The Key to Managing Young People
With human capital being one of the most valuable — and costly — assets of any company, it is not always easy to know how to get the most out of your employees. And the challenge can be even greater when it comes to a younger workforce, as Mark Dickinson of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions explains.
Why Training Is Even More Important In Tough Times
While there may be a temptation to halt training in a difficult operating climate when budgets are limited, it is in precisely these uncertain conditions that employees with excellent skills can help to pull a business through. Mark Dickinson, of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions tells us more
Maximize HR with human capital technology
In the 1970s, it was envisioned that by 2020, computers would be doing everything. Today, we have more computing power in our hands than was in the computer that sent the first rocket to the moon! Yet, technology is still failing to effectively disrupt HR. Mark Dickinson of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions examines why and what we can do to right this wrong
Why inspiration is the new motivation
Mark Dickinson, of DONE! Hospitality Training Solutions, explains why a change in mindset at management level is key to bringing out the best among the new generation of team members.