What’s special about French apples?
France produces on average 1.4 million tons of apples each year. The three main apple producing regions are the Loire Valley, southwest and southeast France. Nearly 65 percent of French apples carry the eco-friendly label. It’s the commitment of growers to respect the environment and biodiversity in orchards, offering apples of quality that are rich in taste.
The six elements of the eco-friendly label are:
- Promoting biodiversity in orchards
- Prioritizing organic control methods
- Limiting the interventions in orchards
- Harvesting by hand
- Ensuring traceability from orchards to the point of sale
- External control by independent bodies
What are the apple varieties?
Seventy percent of the apples produced in France comprise classic varieties: Gala, golden, Granny Smith, Braeburn, Fuji, red, Elstar, Jonagold. The remaining 30 percent are specific orchard apples: Jaz™, Pink Lady®, Joya®, Choupette® and Antares®. We also have PGO apples like the apples from Limousin.
Do you have a chef brand ambassador?
Yes, chef Charles Soussin. We share his recipes on our Instagram page (@FruitVegFromFr).