What are AMFORHT’s goals?
The World Association for Hospitality and Tourism Education and Training (AMFORHT) is the only NGO in the world that offers an accessible and ethical network, linking key players from the world of tourism.
AMFORHT’s aim was to define, develop, promote and continuously adapt tourism education to the evolving needs of the industry. Our worldwide network facilitates the development of strong links to help create and support training programs between schools and tourism professionals. Practical collaborations include the development of internships, graduate employment and industry research.
Can you tell us about AMFORHT’s membership program and the benefits?
We offer an interactive digital platform, which allows members to a connect via a social network. They can enjoy VIP access to regional meetings and the AMFORHT World Forum. Our members can rely on a sustainable network of experts in the hospitality industry who they can learn from. Furthermore, we have online bibliographical resources, which are free of charge for members. These references cover the latest international trends in the sector. There are so many other benefits, so I would encourage professionals to get in touch with us for more details.
How was your last general assembly?
Exceptionally, our 2020 general assembly was organized on ZOOM on December 15. The Ministerial and Trade Authorities and our Algerian members gathered at Ecole Superieur d’Hotellerie et de Restauration d’Alger (ESHRA). During the meeting, we shared key information about the network, which serves over 650 active members, supporters and business partners in 65 countries.