220 Degree Catering heats up the emirates

220 Degree Catering heats up the emirates

Rony Tawk, director of operation and partner at 220 Degree Catering discusses his new company and how the industry is fairing in the Emirates.

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Energy healer Tim Stoneman visiting Four Seasons Hotel Beirut next month

Energy healer Tim Stoneman visiting Four Seasons Hotel Beirut next month

Originally from the UK, Tim Stoneman has been traveling the world to share his knowledge and skills to help people heal and make changes needed in their lives.

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The intricacies of healthy eating

The intricacies of healthy eating

The business of eating healthy has not only changed consumer eating habits, it’s produced regional sales growth that can no longer be ignored. Nada Alameddine, partner at Hodema consulting services, gives us a rundown of the basics and some surprising new trends

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